Week 11-15: Man, what happened!!! - Building Studiolist
Circumstances have changed.
Here’s what happened…
Covid–19 has turned Studiolist.org upside down.
At its core, Studiolist was a travel-centric service. You visit the city, find a study, and record. A work-and-travel service for digital voiceover nomads.
People need to travel and work remotely so that Studiolist makes sense.
With the Coronavirus, it no longer makes sense to offer a service like that. I cannot predict how long the global quarantine is going to last (nobody can) but I don’t wanna take the chance, and just sit and wait.
So, I adapted.
…and what will I do about it?
I completely erased the website. Visit Studiolist.org and you will see a blank page with just a bit of Covid–19-adapted copy.
Screenshot: The new Studiolist.org (work-in-progress)
From now on, I will no longer connect store-front studios with voiceover artists but instead, offer this…
Get a brilliant voice actor with great voiceover live-performances serving excellent audio-quality and high-speed internet (~100Mbit/s) out of their fully-equipped home studio using industry-standard mics & preamps and live-remote-streaming & remote-recording software like Source-Connect, ipDTL, or bodalgoCall.
Studiolist.org will usable soon. I’m currently knocking on all my voiceover friends’ doors so I can list them here, please be patient.
What about making money with the site?
Previously I worked based on commission from the studio owner and it was free for artists. Now, the voiceover artist and their studio have become one, and I still won’t charge them.
So, I will find a new source of income - maybe a sponsor.
On a meta-level
These times have revealed the core of my service even more.
Studiolist is in between your art (voice-acting, directing, casting) and technology (software, hardware, education). And I’m glad that this became even more obvious. But it needed a global pandemic to make that clear. Weird.
Also, you noticed already but now I’m making it official…
I won’t be updating you every week anymore. And when I do, I will only write (no more audio/video recordings).
At this point of time, I gotta act fast now and build something up that makes sense Hiring remote voiceover actors makes a lot of sense (especially economically speaking).
Studiolist’s new tagline: Hire brilliant remote voice actors
And Studiolist can longer be a project that makes me money (at least not in the foreseeable future) though I had planned it otherwise for 2020. That’s why I launched Copywriting Examples in March 2020 where I give voiceover professionals, VO service providers, and independent (technology) companies a hand to improve their online sales texts. They learn from real-world case studies and bits of wisdom that I publish (at least) once a week.
Alex from naii.io and Copywriting Examples
Permalink: studiolist.org/week/11–15
Studiolist is the largest Covid–19-affected search-engine where you can hire voiceover actors who run remote recording studios.
2020 was meant to be the year to make Studiolist.org profitable but then a global pandemic happened and screwed my plans.
Now I invented a new service called Copywriting Examples where I give voiceover professionals, VO service providers, and independent (technology) companies a hand to improve their online sales texts. They learn from real-world case studies and bits of wisdom that I publish (at least) once a week.
And I will continue to building Studiolist but slower and with a different way of making it profitable (maybe through a monthly sponsor).
Read how I’m slowly making Studiolist profitable: studiolist.org/blog
Or you can contact me: studiolist.org/contact